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Cut to size

Custom work bound to impress

In the final production of the natural stone object, we unite the latest CNC technology with traditional craftsmanship. In this way, individual customer desires can be precisely realized, from classic flooring, flights of stairs, and kitchen counters through modern facades to highly detailed inlaid floors and imposing monuments. During the entire workflow, our specialized, experienced personnel will stand on your side to provide advice and consultations.

Impossible Is Impossible

Internationally networked experience

Accurate manufacturing facilities in Company's quarry in Damghan city complete the 360° service.

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State-of-the-art machines and processing techniques

  • CNC robots, computer controlled milling and waterjet cutting
  • Precise craftsmanship
  • Technical know-how
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Project management from A to Z

  • Expert advice and project design
  • Competent service with years of experience
  • 360° all-around service
  • Per request: packaging, transport and assembly
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Variety in processing

  • From simple window panels to large facade cladding 
  • Love for detail
  • Individual processing and fulfilment of special customer requests

Consultancy and contact

Rata Goshayesh Sang (RGS)

Dep. No. 905
Elahiyeh center, Nelson Mandela St.
Tehran, Iran

T +98 21 2621 27 79, +98 21 2621 27 80
F +98 21 2621 29 94